Mistletoe...just what the heck is it?!? How come we don't see it for sale in pots at the garden center? Where does it come from? Why do we kiss under it?
Mistletoe is as epiphyte (needs physical support: tree branch, building), and a hemiparasite (partially depends on a host for nourishment: water, sap). But, it is also capable of photosynthesis.
Tying in with my earlier seed dispersal topic, mistletoe has a sticky berry with a seed inside. Birds eat the berry, but might not eat the seed. It gets stuck on their beak, and when the bird wipes it off onto a branch, it plants the seed there. The seed may also pass through them 😉
The mistletoe we buy at the store has been 'color enhanced' = spray painted.
Different types of mistletoe can be found throughout the world.
Traditionally, mistletoe with berries attached would be hung from the ceiling. When a kiss was granted, a berry would be picked. When the berries were all picked, the kissing was done. The tradition was that a man could kiss any woman that stepped under the mistletoe, and that bad luck would come to a woman if she refused.
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