Today, I was pleased to discover that a pussy willow that I hadn't gotten around to planting last Fall has survived the Winter in its' pot. Their cracked buds remind me of old maid popcorn kernels. I also found that the Forsythia buds are getting close to opening as well.
Even insects are starting to make themselves known. A small cloud of gnats had hatched and were flying close to the moist ground.
Later in the day, my husband and I went over to the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, and took a little walk around the Children's Garden. Absolutely delightful! The sweet aroma of Witch Hazel wafted through the air. There is a wonderful boardwalk that takes you high up into the trees. It's surrounded by stately green pines that were so inviting after the dull gray brown of Winter. Even the parking lot was lined with Junipers heavily laden with dusty blue berries.
However, one of the things that I do like about this time without leaves, is that you can pay more attention to the structure of a tree, and some really interesting types of bark.

Pussy Willow bud

Forsythia buds

Pachysandra buds

Witch Hazel blossoms

Golden Ghost Japanese Red Pine

Children's Garden

Basket filled with nature to be arranged in picture frames.

Chinese Juniper

Peking Lilac 'China Snow' has beautiful peeling bark.

Smooth gray bark of a Beech tree with its' weeping branches.
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